Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My Website


I've gotten a couple more pages done on my site, which is...

I'm trying to get a little bit done everyday so check back often or sign up on my home page to get an email when there are updates or news at .

Take Care,

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sugar Substitutes

Excess sugar in you diet can really put a lot of stress on your liver and also cause you to pack on the pounds. So instead of using sugar... why not try a sugar substitute. Which ones are the good ones though?

I personally love and use Stevia Plus. Out of all the sweetners it is the only one (like sugar) that is all natural and has no bitter aftertaste. It has a glycemic index of zero and does not affect blood sugar levels so it's safe for diabetics.

Stevia is a small green plant that provides an intense sweetness that is 8-10 times sweeter than sugar. I use it on my oatmeal and in my coffee and sometimes on my sweet potatoes. I think it tastes great and is so much better for your body than sugar.

Stevia Plus also contains Frutafit Inulin Fiber (FOS), a functional food ingredient found in chicory, fruits and vegetables. FOS is mildly sweet and has zero calories per serving and is a premium soluable fiber that nourishes the friendly bacteria in the intestines. Increasing the good bacteria in the intestines helps gastrointestinal functions. Each packet of Stevia Plus contains 1 gram of fiber.

The more good/friendly bacteria (Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria) you have in your intestines the stronger your immune system will be.

The stronger your immune system, the better you can fight off free radicals!

You will find Stevia Plus in most Health Food Stores.

Meet Reno Fitness Trainer... Clifta


I'm Clifta Perez and have been in the Health & Fitness Industry for over 23 years now.

I'm located in Reno, Nevada and currently train my clientelle at 3 different locations... from Lemmon Valley to South Reno.

My goal and mission in life is to share my passion of health & fitness with others. I've created this blog because I want to reach and help as many people as I can. It's time to achieve your fitness goals in 2009!

No More Excuses!!!

If you have any questions related to health & fitness or comments... I would love to hear from you.

Thank you,